Alert Iowa

Citizen's Center


Your may contact the Assessor's Office. An application can be mailed to you.


Butler County does not issue fireworks permits, but there is an Application for Display of Fireworks in Unincorporated Areas of Butler County.  

Snows and ATV's

They are good for one year - they expire at the end of December. To renew you can bring in either your old registration or your drivers license and the VIN number off the machine that you are renewing.


Iowa Senate District 29 - Sandy Salmon


Home Care

Referrals can be made for home health in several ways: you can call the referral in yourself and we will take care of contacting your doctor for the order to see you in your home, the doctor can call our office and refer you to home health, the social worker at the hospital where you are a patient can contact us with the request for home health care or your family can refer you to our services.


You can send this one in yourself, just get a form from the recorders office, fill it out , send in your old passport and 2 2x2 pictures

Public Health

Environmental Health

Only a certified time of transfer inspector can do the inspections. A list is available at


First Page: $7; $5 for each page there after
Deeds/transfer documents have a $5 transfer fee per section or block which is additional.

Secondary Roads

In general, county road ditches are designed to drain the roadbed and any water that naturally flows toward them. Butler County will not clean a ditch with a septic tank outlet. When field tile outlets become plugged or ditches silt in, contact the Engineer's Office and the road foreman will take a look and schedule cleaning if he deems it necessary. The county will not lower road ditch elevations to provide better tile outlets. Ditches will not be lowered to get water to drain contrary to it's natural path. Natural flow is determined by looking at the way water would flow prior to establishment of the road system.


Building Permit Fees are based on the square footage of a structure and/or the estimated construction cost.

Boats and Jet Skis

These are due every 3 years , with them expiring at the end of April 2019.


Butler County Board of Supervisors regular meetings are held on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m.


At the very least, you will need the seller’s ownership document (certificate of title), properly filled out and signed by the seller and the buyer; and a completed Application for Title form which should be signed by all buyers. And as always, a Bill of Sale is strongly encouraged and may be asked for on any transfer at our counter. These documents need to be submitted within 30 days of purchase to avoid penalties.

Property Taxes

They can be paid in two installments. The first half payment is due by September 30th. And then second half is due by March 31st of the following year.


Butler County [582 square miles] was named in honor of General William Orlando Butler (1791-1880), a Kentucky statesman, officer in the Mexican War, and unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Vice President in 1848.

Contact Butler County

Butler County Courthouse

428 Sixth Street
P.O. Box 307
Allison, IA 50602

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